Monday, January 20, 2014

back to school

    Well everyone had their first week back to classes and I'm sure everyone has the same reaction.  Going to school after a break is so hard to get back into routine because you break it over your vacation.  Personally this semester is already seeming difficult given the fact that I am taking 19 credits, or seven classes.  I am going to regret this on the weeks where every professor decides to give a test the same day or even now as I have been doing homework since 10 o'clock this morning; but it is all so I can be at William and Mary in the spring of 2015.  Since I graduated high school in June I have not had a break from school, I was doing summer classes all summer and jumped right into the fall semester.  I am ready to be at William and Mary and to be at a four-year school.  I am hoping this semester goes by quickly and that I will be able to do well in all of my classes.  Thankfully 3 of my professors this semester I have already had so I know how they teach but my other 4 are all new to me.  I have no idea what I want my degree to be in and what job I will want so I hope within the year I will figure it out before I get to William and Mary.  Hopefully everyone has a good start to their semester and that it goes by fast!


  1. 19 Credits is a lot! Keep up the hard work and don't lose sight of your dream. You can do it :)

  2. this semester is going to be pretty hard! i wish you two would come to longwood with me :( keep up the hard work! college isnt easy, but it can be done!
