Friday, April 4, 2014

always busy


These last few months have been the craziest and busiest time of my life.  I have been applying to transfer, registering for summer classes, and next weekend I tryout for William and Mary Cheerleading.  I am so excited for everything that is happening in my life and I have been looking forward to this for a while now. I am extremely lucky to have had wonderful professors to help me through my journey at RBC, my advisor has been so awesome as well anybody I have asked has been more than happy to write me a letter of recommendation and I love it.  Everything has not been easy though once you get above the professor level here at RBC nobody knows what they are doing.  The "higher-ups" have no sense of what it is like to be going through this process and it has been hell trying to work with them.  I just feel like some are unaware of the process and with me personally being the first one in my family to go through college, let alone experience the transfer process this has been difficult.  Although given these difficulties I am making it work and have officially singed up for all 19 summer credit hours that I need to graduate!  I have been trying really hard academically this semester and it has been seeming to pay off, I submitted my mid-term grades to William and Mary and I currently have 4 A's 2 B's and 1 C.  I am so pleased with myself because taking on 7 classes and working has been extremely difficult.  I hope everyone else is working just as hard and is looking forward to their future as much as I am with mine!  
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1 comment:

  1. I don't want to even begin to think about the transfer process....I just hate how stressful it can be! goodluck with a full schedule over summer!
